Tech Kahunas Cybersecurity

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There were 20% more breaches in the USA in the first 9 months of 2023 than in any prior full-year

Your No-Cost Comprehensive Cyber Security Risk Assessment

Reveals Your Security Risks, Gaps, and Any Existing Breaches

Maybe You Have An Undetected Incident

And You're Already At Risk!

($1,500+ Value)

Consistently delivering 5-star results so you can expect to receive the same exceptional service!

Insurance Carriers Have Been Denying or Only Partially Paying Out 50% Of Claims

Cyber Crime Will Outpace Inflation

  • Cybercrime is on the rise due to advanced technology, making it easier for bad actors.

  • Remote work increases the chances of cyberattacks, as home networks may not be as secure.

  • Cybercriminals aim to steal valuable information for financial gain by way of extortion or ransom.

  • Some people lack awareness about online safety, making them vulnerable to scams.

  • Ransomware attacks, where criminals lock up data and demand money to unlock it, are a growing concern.

  • The global nature of the internet allows cybercriminals to target victims worldwide, making vigilance crucial.

We Will Uncover Security Gaps And Risks In Your Business

Your assessment can be used to determine:

  • Vulnerabilities from:

    • Network

    • Data

    • Application

    • Social Engineering

    • Logins

  • Methods used to hack and breach an organization’s resources

  • The potential impact of such hacks

  • Recommendations and action plans on mitigating your vulnerabilities

Don't Miss This!

Get Your Comprehensive Cyber Security Risk Assessment


($1,500+ value)

Any Organization In 2023 Is At Risk

Most Are Just Too Small To Make The News

Real Event #1: Pool Builder

It Started With An Email Hack

One of the company's salespersons went through a serious email hack. The attackers watched this person's account for a long while. Sadly, this happened right when the CFO was about to go on vacation, which was a good time for the hackers to initiate an attack.

These cybercriminals pretended to be from the company and talked to multiple clients. They used the rules in the contracts, which said if they had a chance to start earlier, they would call the clients. They tricked the clients and asked them to quickly send money for projects. They requested the remaining balance be bank wired within 3 days in order to start the work sooner.

Losses Added Up Quick

Unfortunately, most of the clients (8 out of 10) who were talked to by the hackers did what the hackers asked. Shockingly, one person even wired $90,000! The scam came to light when a client called to say they needed to delay their project by a week because of some problems in their backyard. But the strange thing was that the company hadn't made any such call, and their project was actually scheduled for six weeks later. This made the office staff confused.

Realizing how serious this was, the company's representatives quickly reached out to all the clients. They wanted to check if anyone got a call from the company offering to start their project early. They talked to a total of 93 clients and found out that the hackers had taken $700,000 from them in less than 3 days.

The clients who were tricked said that the person pretending to be from the company spoke perfect English and was very polite and friendly during the conversation.

Hard Decisions To Save Reputation

As a token of their genuine commitment to their client's satisfaction, they decided to take full responsibility. Clients impacted by the scam received their completed projects, but it cost the pool builder a hefty price.

Real Event #2: Contractor

Owner Was Ready For Retirement...

With retirement on the horizon, the unexpected breach happened. An unknown party got into the company's bank account and transferred the money. The business uses QuickBooks Online to manage their money and they do everything right, like changing their passwords often. They usually keep only a little money in the bank account they use to pay bills and workers, except when they need more.

Things got worse when QuickBooks called, saying there wasn't enough money in the bill pay account, and they owed $17,000. The owner found out that they fell victim to a cyberattack. Despite best efforts, QuickBooks couldn't stop the payments. QuickBooks even said they may take legal action if they didn't fund the account quickly.

Things Went From Bad To Worse

So, the company decided to get legal help to understand what to do after this problem. But that cost them $5,000. They initiated incident response and forensics with a security operations center. To investigate the breach, recover data, and fortify defenses was very important, but cost $10,000.

They also worked with a group called Experian to handle the rules and laws about the hack, but that cost a lot too – $110,000!

And because of the money taken from their account, the company lost $17,000. So, in total, the company had to spend at least $125,000 to fix everything.

Costs To Begin Solving The Problem

When they tallied all the things they needed to do to start solving the problem, the company found out they had a huge amount of money to pay – $132,000.

Real Event #3: Solopreneur

Bank Transfer Initiated

Surprisingly, hackers got into the victim's Google account even though Google was supposed to keep it safe. These bad actors then found a way to get into his bank account and initiated a $75,000 transfer to another bank account. Thankfully, the money didn't actually leave the account, but for many weeks he was struggling to regain bank account access.

The Hack Started 3 Months Prior

This trouble started about 3 months prior when the victim's private Gmail account was taken over by these hackers. Even after getting the account back, a record of what happened showed that the victim's private information was downloaded.

The bad guys didn't stop there - they also tried to get into the victim's Smart TV, Amazon account, Netflix, and their Apple ID. Even the password on their MacBook computer didn't work anymore. This raised concerns about possible back door Malware on his iPhone or MacBook.

Google Was Very Slow To Assist

The worst part is that when the victim asked for help from Google, it took a really long time, 3 days in fact, for them to do something about the problem. This slow response might have let the hackers to begin the money transfer without anyone stopping them.

Due to the lack of insurance coverage, the victim personally covered the expenses for remediation, which can typically take 20-60 hrs at a rate of $500/hr.

About Tech Kahunas

Delivering Innovative IT Solutions To Ambitious Forward Looking Organizations

Just as the Kahunas of ancient Hawaii possessed specialized skills and expertise, our team of Kahunas are masters in the realm of technology and cybersecurity. We keep a watchful eye on the ever-evolving threats and stay on top of the latest cybersecurity measures. With us by your side, you can trust that your business is secured from ongoing cyberattacks and more efficient after we automate redundant processes. We are your dedicated guardian ensuring your peace of mind.

We believe in keeping cybersecurity and IT solutions secure and simple. We offer a range of solutions tailored to your unique business needs. Our team conducts a comprehensive cyber security risk assessment and technology audit to develop a customized action plan, aligning our IT strategy with your growth goals. You can rest assured that your IT and security worries are taken care of.

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